Monday, 24 January 2011

Original film noir idea:

A: Rough synopsis- The film centres on a prison inmate, . We open with him being sentenced to life imprisonment, convicted for a series of killings, which he claims he is not guilty of. The film cuts between Welsh in prison, several years in to his sentence, and Welsh whilst he was investigating the killings. Through a series of psychological assessments inside prison, we see Welsh's character develop, his mind peeling away more and more as he descends in to his own subconscious, learning the truth about the crimes. A crucial moment of the film will be when Welsh first attributes the crimes to someone he knows, as this then fills in the previous flashbacks to his investigations, solving certain elements of the plot. However, the ending is the absolute climax as the entirety of events unfolds around Welsh. Locations used will mainly be Welsh's cell, the psychiatrist's office and various crime-scenes for flashback sequences, and I plan to include first-person narration throughout.

B: The first three minutes of the film will be shot fairly intensely, introducing the character of Welsh fairly dramatically. I would have it cut between him in prison, at crime scenes and against a plain white background, dressed in white, giving us an introduction to the film. The opening lines would echo aspects of Welsh's psyche, which will later become more obvious as his story unfolds. Following this introduction, we would see Welsh being escorted in to a courtroom, with the doors shutting on us, blacking out the screen and then showing the film's title in bold white lettering.

C: I plan to use a lot of fast cuts in editing, breaking the opening speech up in to two or three second shots, giving the story's settings away to the audience as early as possible. By establishing these here, I hope to be able to focus more on the characters and their developments later in the film. As for sound, I am thinking of having a song playing in the background to the opening narration, increasing in intensity as Welsh becomes more serious with his information, fading out as he is led in to the courtroom.

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